Peace of Mind Shop
Synchronicity® offers products designed to support a Holistic Lifestyle™. You'll find our renowned and powerful High-Tech Meditation® Soundtracks, Meditation Programs and a bunch more.

Mind Flow - Synch PH digital download
Mind Flow is designed for meditation in the deep-theta range. As with all Synch PH programs, headphones are optional as the isochronic and monaural beats...

OM Mani Padme Hum:
Sound for Meditation
Om Mani Padme Hum is a Buddhist mantra meaning, “The Supreme Reality (is the) lotus jewel of Oneness.” Experience the essence of Source through the...

OM Namah Shivaya Meditation Soundtrack
Om Namah Shivaya is a beautiful Sanskrit mantra which means, “I bow to God.” Enter into Oneness with this beautiful prayer as the peaceful voice...

Romancing the Moment - The Love Meditation
This unique Theta-level soundtrack combines loved-based affirmations with beautiful, soothing meditative music, creating an uplifting experience of balance, wholeness and fulfillment. The Synchronicity® sonic technology,...

Song of the Ecstatic
This beautiful meditation soundtrack contains Synchronicity® Sonic Technology, which enhances whole-brain functioning and delivers a precision meditation.The Sonic Technology enables anyone to quickly have a...

Sounds of Source 1
Sounds of Source One features a lush orchestral score of sampled voice and strings.These meditation music soundtracks are created using Synchronicity® Sonic Technology and enable...

Sounds of Source 3
Sounds of Source Three features flute, voice, whale songs and soothing ocean waves.We create these meditation music soundtracks using Synchronicity® Sonic Technology that enables anyone...

Sounds of Source 5
Sounds of Source Five contains two 30-minute selections, Echoes of Eternity and Silent Spaces. Both feature a soothing combination of sampled voice and slow-moving ethereal...

Time Off, The 15-Minute Meditator
Time Off is a Theta-level soundtrack designed to be used anywhere. It contains droning vocals, synthesizers, a soft piano, and Synchronicity® Sonic Technology.The Sonic Technology...

Welcome to My World Music:
A Spiritual & Meditative Soundtrack
Welcome To My World is the first Synchronicity® Soundtrack created by M. C. Cannon and one of our most popular. This beautiful music delivers a...

White Light Meditation - Synch PH Digital Download
White Light (download only) is healing, and healing is white light! This powerful carrier wave frequency, white light and positive green, is great for healing and...

SyncUp Abundance - Meditation Music with Affirmations
SyncUp Abundance (download only). Abundance comes in many forms. And the right mindset will help you manifest it in every area of your life. SyncUp Abundance (download...