First and foremost, meditation is a focusing and balancing technique.
When you meditate, you close your eyes, eliminate outside distractions, and shift your focus from your outer world to the one within.
Your inner world is where you find the source of your creativity and the intuitive urges that seem to come out of nowhere.
With practice, the balance between these two worlds will increase and your awareness will expand.
When that happens, you have ready access to both worlds and are more present in the moment, no matter what else is going on in your life.
And remaining focused in the present with what is happening Now, is all that meditation really is.
Different Types of Meditation
People often ask us to share the best form of meditation for beginners.
The answer is to use the meditation technique with which you resonate.
Mantra, insight, mindfulness, or Zen meditation techniques all have the same goal: balance, clarity, and, ultimately, transcendence of the mind.
At Synchronicity® Foundation, we teach a modern form of meditation called High-Tech Meditation®.
When you sit to meditate, High-Tech Meditation quickly creates a balance between the two hemispheres (sides) of your brain.
Now you can relax and enjoy more expanded states of awareness without investing the time and effort required by more traditional systems.
Use Synchronicity High-Tech Meditation alone or with other techniques of your choice.
It works well for beginners and more experienced meditators alike.
I Can't Meditate, My Mind Won't Stop Thinking
Over the years, we have heard many people say, "I can't meditate!"
When we ask why, they usually reply, "My mind won't stop. I keep thinking. I can't sit still. So I don't do it."
If this is you you're not doing anything wrong!
Your mind does not need to stop thinking for you to meditate.
Instead, meditation contains both thinking and not thinking. All you have to do is be still and watch whatever is happening in the moment.
And if you fidget, no worries.
Stay with it
Meditate regularly
Enjoy the experience
Watch the benefits unfold.
Catharsis, What is It?
At Synchronicity our primary focus is meditation.
For over four decades, we have honed and refined our technology and methodology to deliver advanced meditative states in the shortest possible time.
From long experience, we know that as you build your meditation practice, your awareness of your superconscious states will grow.
At the same time, however, this same awareness will light up your unconscious and make it conscious.
Your unconscious contains old data including your defenses, your limited ideas of who you are, and the traumatic or fear-based emotions you buried there years ago.
As you build your power through meditation and light up the unconscious, you may re-experience these feelings.
When that happens be glad.
You now have a unique opportunity to clear old data and repressed emotions.
And you have two choices:
You can identify with your limiting beliefs (unconscious patterning), which strengthens them.
You can clear your limiting beliefs by observing what is playing out in your world, and remaining neutral. In other words, just watch what’s happening.
This liberating process is called catharsis.
It is part of meditation and a great opportunity to learn how to be truly in the moment.
Find a comfortable place where you can sit without distractions for at least 15 minutes. Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing.
Sit easily with your back upright and, if physically possible, without back support. Or, if you can stay alert, sit back or recline.
Close your eyes and focus within. If you find yourself distracted by unrelated thoughts, it's OK to write them down to empty your mind.
Focus your attention on your breathing. Watch your breath as it moves in and out of your belly and your lungs.
You can repeat an affirmation (a positive statement about yourself or life). If you use an affirmation, focus on the feelings associated with it. What does it mean to you? How do you feel when you say these words?
If you use Synchronicity High-Tech Meditation, focus on the music and listen to every note.
If you notice you've stopped listening, return your attention to the music.
Alternatively, use any focusing method with which you feel comfortable.
6. If you notice your mind thinking, that's normal. Bring your focus back to your technique. You can't meditate wrong. Just notice whatever experience happens.
7. When your meditation session is over, give yourself a few minutes to acclimate slowly back into the activities of your day.
These and many more valuable tips are available with our free Pure Drop 15-Minute Meditator and accompanying Meditation Guide.
4. Focus your attention: You can focus on your breathing. Watch your breath, in and out. You can repeat an affirmation (a positive statement about yourself or life). If you use affirmations, focus on feeling what it means to you. Using High-Tech Meditation®, you can focus on the music. Listen to every note. If you notice you're not listening, return your attention to the music. Alternatively, you can use any other method with which you feel comfortable.
5. If you notice your mind thinking, that's normal. Bring your focus back to your technique. You can't meditate wrong. Allow whatever experience that happens.
6. When you have completed your meditation session, it is a good idea to give yourself a few minutes to acclimate slowly back into the activities of your day.
These and many more valuable tips are available with our free Pure Drop 15-Minute Meditator and accompanying Meditation Guide.
Start Meditating
The Transcendence Experience
Free 10-Day Trial, High-Tech Meditation®
A gentle hand on the path, the Synchronicity Transcendence Program® is a unique, incremental program of daily meditation. Designed for beginners and current meditators, it utilizes precision Synchronicity® Sonic Technology to create positive changes and well-being at the deepest levels of your personality. We recommend combining it with Holistic Lifestyle® practices for maximum benefits.
A Pure Drop of calm for an easy meditation that leaves you feeling relaxed. Put on your headphones or earbuds, then push "Play" and listen. You'll also receive a series of informative emails on meditation.