Peace of Mind Shop
Synchronicity® offers products designed to support a Holistic Lifestyle™. You'll find our renowned and powerful High-Tech Meditation® Soundtracks, Meditation Programs and a bunch more.

Recognitions Program Phase 1
The Recognitions Program is a journey of inspiration, education, and The Holistic Lifestyle™. The structure is eight six-month phases over four years. Phase 1 is $149.00....

Collaborations - The Becoming of Being
The Becoming of Being … Celebrating the Sacred Feminine features M. C. Cannon and Patrick Bernard. The focus is the Sacred Feminine (God as Mother)...

Golden High - Synch PH Digital Download
Golden High (download only) is a soundtrack embedded with the higher harmonic of gold and white powder of gold for heightened bliss and expanded consciousness! People...

NOW ... The Technology Soundtrack
NOW ... The Technology is the most popular soundtrack from M. C. Cannon and Synchronicity Foundation. Historically, people have meditated in caves and sacred geometrical...

SyncUp Relax - Meditation Music with Affirmations
SyncUp Relax (download only). Ease of living begins with relaxation. It enables us to think clearly and be more productive and creatively inspired. Slow down...

SyncUp Success - Meditation Music with Affirmations
SyncUp Success (download only). When you focus on creating success, you are setting an intention to flourish – to create positive outcomes. Success naturally flows...

OM Soundtrack:
The Reverberation of Source
OM is an ancient Sanskrit word containing a vibrational energy that stills the mind and brings the meditator to a balanced state of being. This...

Collaborations - One Heart
This powerfully heartfelt music of Marina Raye (“the feminine voice of the Native flute”) is combined with Synchronicity® Sonic Technology in the Theta range.These meditation-music...

Sounds of Source 2
Sounds of Source Two uses ambient sampled voice and instruments to produce a very spacial, other-worldly meditative experience.These meditation music soundtracks are created using Synchronicity®...

Sounds of Source 4
Sounds of Source Four features melodious flute music in two tracks entitled Peaceful Circumference and Luminous Ecstasy. These meditation music soundtracks are created using Synchronicity®...

Collaborations - The Subject is Love
This inspired collaborative album features the internationally acclaimed musician and composer, Patrick Bernard, in two thirty-minute soundtracks that deliver a blissful meditative experience. The soundtracks...

The Meditation Toolbox Book
The Meditation Toolbox is an excellent resource for the contemporary meditator. Filled with inspiration, techniques and tools, it will assist you to become balanced and...