Theta Meditation Soundtracks

These meditation soundtracks are created using Synchronicity® Sonic Technology in the theta range. Theta technology creates a deeper meditative state than alpha, experienced as peacefulness, profound relaxation and quietness of mind.


NOW ... The Technology Soundtrack
NOW ... The Technology Soundtrack

NOW ... The Technology is the most popular soundtrack from M. C. Cannon and Synchronicity Foundation. Historically, people have meditated in caves and sacred geometrical...


Sounds of Source 5
Sounds of Source 5

Sounds of Source Five contains two 30-minute selections, Echoes of Eternity and Silent Spaces. Both feature a soothing combination of sampled voice and slow-moving ethereal...


Collaborations - One Heart
Collaborations - One Heart

This powerfully heartfelt music of Marina Raye (“the feminine voice of the Native flute”) is combined with Synchronicity® Sonic Technology in the Theta range.These meditation-music...


Song of the Ecstatic
Song of the Ecstatic

This beautiful meditation soundtrack contains Synchronicity® Sonic Technology, which enhances whole-brain functioning and delivers a precision meditation.The Sonic Technology enables anyone to quickly have a...


Sounds of Source 2
Sounds of Source 2

Sounds of Source Two uses ambient sampled voice and instruments to produce a very spacial, other-worldly meditative experience.These meditation music soundtracks are created using Synchronicity®...


Collaborations - The Becoming of Being
Collaborations - The Becoming of Being

The Becoming of Being … Celebrating the Sacred Feminine features M. C. Cannon and Patrick Bernard. The focus is the Sacred Feminine (God as Mother)...


Sounds of Source 3
Sounds of Source 3

Sounds of Source Three features flute, voice, whale songs and soothing ocean waves.We create these meditation music soundtracks using Synchronicity® Sonic Technology that  enables anyone...


Time Off, The 15-Minute Meditator
Time Off, The 15-Minute Meditator

Time Off is a Theta-level soundtrack designed to be used anywhere. It contains droning vocals, synthesizers, a soft piano, and Synchronicity® Sonic Technology.The Sonic Technology...


Collaborations - Echoes of Stillness
Collaborations - Echoes of Stillness

Acclaimed recording artist Kamal creates soothing musical instrumentation in combination with M. C. Cannon's Synchronicity® Sonic Technology in the Theta frequency range.Created using Synchronicity® Sonic...


Sounds of Source 4
Sounds of Source 4

Sounds of Source Four features melodious flute music in two tracks entitled Peaceful Circumference and Luminous Ecstasy. These meditation music soundtracks are created using Synchronicity®...


Romancing the Moment - The Love Meditation
Romancing the Moment - The Love Meditation

This unique Theta-level soundtrack combines loved-based affirmations with beautiful, soothing meditative music, creating an uplifting experience of balance, wholeness and fulfillment. The Synchronicity® sonic technology,...


Blessed Mother - A Thousand Names
Blessed Mother - A Thousand Names

India's most respected and honored expert in all forms of classical music, Rattan Mohan Sharma, chants the classical text and M. C. Cannon sings selected...


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Frequently Asked Questions

What are Theta Meditation Soundtracks?

Theta Meditation Soundtracks are designed to help you reach the theta brainwave state, which is associated with deep meditation, creativity, and healing.

How can I use these soundtracks in my practice?

Listen to the soundtracks during your meditation sessions to deepen your state of relaxation and connect with your subconscious mind.

Can I use these soundtracks daily?

Yes, regular use of these soundtracks can enhance the effects of your meditation practice over time.

What happens when you listen to theta waves?

When you listen to theta waves, your brain begins to shift into a state associated with deep relaxation, creativity, and enhanced intuition. Here’s what typically happens:

  • Deep Relaxation: Theta waves, which operate at a frequency of 4-8 Hz, promote a state of calm and relaxation similar to the experience of light sleep or deep meditation. This can help reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Heightened Creativity and Intuition: In the theta state, the brain is more open to creative insights and intuitive thoughts. This can enhance problem-solving skills and inspire innovative ideas.
  • Emotional Healing: Theta waves are linked to accessing the subconscious mind, where stored emotions and memories are processed. This can aid in emotional healing, helping you release unresolved issues.
  • Mind-Body Connection: Listening to theta waves can deepen the mind-body connection, often experienced in meditative or spiritual practices. It can help you feel more in tune with your body’s sensations and rhythms.
  • Enhanced Learning and Memory: Theta brainwaves are known to improve memory retention and the ability to learn new information, making them beneficial for study sessions or personal development.

By regularly listening to theta wave soundtracks, you can experience these benefits and develop a deeper meditative practice.