Recognitions Program | Synchronicity High-Tech Meditation | Synchronicity Sanctuary Retreats | Transcendence Program
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Synchronicity Foundation offers High-Tech Meditation® and The Holistic Lifestyle, which has helped hundreds of thousands of people learn to meditate quickly and easily. Below is a list of testimonials written by High-Tech meditators from all over the world.
Recognitions Program
Meditation in general has allowed me to get in touch with my right brain as an adult. As an anesthesiologist, I tend to be very left-brained and logical and very focused on the objective in terms of the real world. Meditation has shown me another world that is very real and probably more valid than the world we see in front of us. Each time I close my eyes to meditate, I’m in touch with this world. Ever since I’ve intensified my meditations with the Recognitions program, I feel myself becoming more in touch with the subtle dimensions, just more in tune with people and being able to communicate with them in ways I never imagined I could. I think the medical field has a lot to do to catch up in this respect. - A.A.
I’ve been meditating on and off for about 13 years, probably more off than on for the first seven years or so. I first started meditation when I first became interested in spirituality when I was about 18 or 19 years old. For the first seven years or so, I was just not quite happy with where I was going in terms of my meditation. I was trying different programs. I was trying a meditation study group in London. But they just felt like they weren’t quite getting anywhere. My mother, who’s also into Synchronicity, told me years ago when I was a teenager about Synchronicity meditation, but like all teenaged boys, you just ignore your Mom and completely blank out what they say to you about meditation, so I ignored her to my peril. Finally, when I was 27, I succumbed. I think I’ll try out the Synchronicity meditation my Mom’s been harping on all these years. And I’ve never looked back. Ever since then, my meditations have just taken off in exponential fashion. They’ve been good. -Z.O.
I immediately felt more intelligent, meditating after a few years. I immediately felt I was grasping things much faster. Very focused, focused at work, focused with writing, focused with numbers, focused with whatever I’m doing. Just that blissful feeling, calm. I live in NYC, so I happen to meditate on the subway. By the time I get to work, and it’s exactly an hour and 15 minutes of a ride. By the time I get to work, I’m in the inner and outer at the same time. I have that feeling of being in spirit and in body at the same time. That’s how I can walk into work, which is very helpful. In NY, it’s very helpful. I have great meditations in the subway. I’ve had some incredible experiences on subway stations. -S.J.
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I very much notice when I meditate, I time my meditation to be before work because I work in the emergency department. It’s chaotic. I get very wound up in that environment at times. I notice when I come home from work, lots of adrenalin, and it’s hard to come down from that. I do notice that if I meditate beforehand I go into that environment in a more balanced state. I can maintain my awareness of what’s going on around me a lot more, and therefore my response to that. I just find that my experience at work is a lot more positive. It’s not so much what happens at work; it’s much more about my response at work and how I manage myself within it. I find coming home after the shift if I’ve meditated beforehand it’s a lot more beneficial. - R.W.
The thing that I got most from meditating was a process by which I could deal with things that came up in my life. This is at home when the going gets tough, ways of looking at things that people, somebody annoys you. It’s a process by which you can first find your own balance and then examine what’s going on there. Why did I get so upset by this experience? I found that absolutely invaluable. It’s created openings in my relationship with people that I think I would’ve been completely incapable of finding on my own. - P.A.
I’ve noticed that there has become more contrast in my life, in my experience, in that basically I’m happy, basically, I am happy for no reason. And when I’m not, when something comes up and I react, and I lose that ground, lose that balance, it is so obvious to me, so horrifying to me because I see it and it’s not really a huge thing. I don’t usually have huge reactions anymore, but it doesn’t matter. Even the smaller one is like why would I choose that when I have access to everything, to such deep joy and bliss and ability, awareness, relationship. Why leave that, why turn that away, why turn it off! So it’s very easy for me to get there. The biggest challenge then is not to get down on myself because I reacted that way, because something threw me off, because I’ve seen something as wrong, because I’m seeing something that I think should be other than it is. That’s a big one for me; I’m still working on that one. When I do react that way, I really notice it. - M.C.
The benefits for me in the Recognitions Program, there’s been quite a few, but the one that’s most marked for me is that my daughter has care of at least 16 acres and there’s a lot of time when she’s not around and guess who gets to look after them. In the past I always wanted to control them and have them do what I thought they should do. We were constantly tugging at each other, and it was something of a battle sometimes. I couldn’t understand sometimes why these children didn’t respect me. Nowadays it’s completely different. Just by honoring them and honoring who they are, this is where their feet are, no longer do I try to control the situation. It is what it is because that’s what it is. Our relationships are so much better. They’re open, they’re friendly, they’re fun, and I just have a wonderful time with them now. - L.B.
Recognitions is clearly the most advanced program of its kind anywhere. I’ve been involved in it for almost 12 years. It takes you progressively to more advanced and advanced topics as well as to more advanced and advanced levels of holistic living and consciousness. It’s amazing. I always wonder whether there can be more. There never seems to be any ending to it; it just goes more and more and more. It’s absolutely wonderful, absolutely highly recommended. - D.S.
Get the Recognitions Program
I’ve been meditating for many years. I had migraine headaches seriously for about 15 years, flat on my back 4 times a week. Quite frankly, meditation saved my life. I dabbled with the brain waves meditation, but that was back in the 90’s so I didn’t find anything that consistently worked for me, but I kept dabbling with the brain wave meditations. I finally went on Amazon.com, maybe about 10 months ago and just did “brain wave.” Synchronicity was on there so I ordered a couple of CDs, loved them, played them over and over, and finally called and got on the Recognitions program. I have been on it for about 8 months, and what I can say about that in comparison to other meditation that I’ve done is that it’s so much more nuanced and so much broader. I am going into spaces inside myself that are just delicious. The reason I found meditation was to just heal, to stay alive and to heal. Now I go into those spaces just to be happy with my life. There’s a huge difference. It was time for me to find Synchronicity and their expansive meditations. - B.L.
Meditation in general has allowed me to get in touch with my right brain as an adult. As an anesthesiologist, I tend to be very left-brained and logical and very focused on the objective in terms of the real world. Meditation has showed me another world that is very real and probably more valid than the world we see in front of us. Each time I close my eyes to meditate, I’m in touch with this world. Ever since I’ve intensified my meditations with the Recognitions program, I feel myself becoming more in touch with the subtle dimensions, just more in tune with people and being able to communicate with them in ways I never imagined I could. I think the medical field has a lot to do to catch up in this respect. - L.W.
In terms of high-tech meditation compared to the conventional way (using the candle focus, looking at the sky, using incense), when I started with Recognitions the experience just jumped out straightaway. I found myself becoming very focused in the meditations. It was a lot easier to focus. I went a lot deeper than I did when using another method. It’s a lot more profound as well. My own inner peace has grown dramatically since then. - P.P.
I meditate with Recognitions every afternoon during my noon to five down space. I lie down with my two cats, and we all get so still. I go down into those deep levels of delta so easily. I find that it’s clearing off old patterns, old subconscious, and unconscious stuff. Most of it I can’t name. It’s just disappearing, and in its place is this very peaceful happiness where I’m in the present moment. The colors are brighter. I love my kitties even more. I love everyone even more. The really sweet thing is more creative inspiration is coming in terms of the work I do with other people and how I’m living my life. -B.S.
The benefits that I’ve seen in my own life from the years of meditating and participation in the Recognitions program are just amazing. My whole life has been transformed. I work, like many people, in a relatively stressful environment. The expectations for me are very very high, but I have to say that as my insight has changed that I’ve become more holistic, happier, and more peaceful. I’ve been able to be more sensitive to the needs of others. It’s amazing how the world seems to reflect back to me what I have become. It’s just hard to describe to people because they always project out that the reason why they’re unhappy is because of things outside themselves. By simply working on yourself, you can transform your entire environment. To me, that’s probably the largest surprise I’ve had from participation in Recognitions. I was always focused on myself, but the benefit, the icing on the cake was that my entire world got transformed. - D.A.
I’d practiced other forms of meditation before. I learned about Recognitions from a friend of mine, Alan Scherr. I decided to try it out. First, I tried some Alpha and Theta tapes. Within two weeks after trying those, I enrolled in Recognitions, and I’ve been in Recognitions about 12 years. It’s been wonderful. I think it’s the most advanced program I’ve ever had for meditation. It’s not just the technology, which is wonderful, but also you’re provided with contemplations and course work that takes you into eve-increasing levels of understanding of meditation, about the holistic lifestyle, as well as they provide you with a facilitator that can answer any of your questions and can help you along the path. It’s wonderful, just a great program. - A.S.
Get the Recognitions Program
I get relaxation. My life is much calmer. I’m not trying to control anybody, except myself, and even that I’m letting go of. I’ve just completed my first year as a Recognitions student, and I am so wide open to what’s coming up in the near future. It’s just been a wonderful experience for me. - L.B.
The Recognitions program has become a very important part of my daily life. I cannot imagine that not being a part of my life every day. It keeps me balanced. It gives me. It gives me access to so much more than what we have around us. Everybody says that this time, in particular, seems so rough, a lot of negativity going on around us. I’ve noticed with many people that’s the conversation when I’m around other people not involved in this program. There’s a lot of concern about what’s going on economically, politically, and socially. I feel sorry for people who don't have this base, and I’m learning more about how to share that because I know what it does with your outlook, the way you see the world, the way you see through illusion, what’s not real, through the suffering we’re making up in our own heads. My daily program of meditation brings me out of that. It helps me see that, to experience what’s real. Now I can go out into the world and can see it with a bigger perspective, with awareness, and not get sucked into it. - N.V.
I started Recognitions soon after I came to the first retreat. At first I wasn’t very regular about my practice. Over time, it’s become a requirement. If I miss for a couple of days, this bit of me says, “What are you doing? Go back. Go back to doing it.” - P.K.
Meditation for me is life. I would not function without meditation. I did it before; however, since beginning meditation, I do it every day. I meditate twice a day. At first, it takes a little discipline to sit there, but with the technology, it is so easy. I find that I just feel better and better and better. I grow and develop, and my life is changing so much for the positive. I started off doing Recognitions, which was great; but I would take my course and then I wouldn’t stop. I would go to the next one because it was so fruitful that it just guided you automatically to the next. In each phase, I saw the literal, not only the spiritual but the objective manifestation of what had happened inside of me, the consciousness that was developing inside of me, and changing. I would see it. Inside-outside, keep it simple, inside-outside, subjective-objective. So what goes in is what comes out, like computer language, garbage in garbage out. I’m putting positive source consciousness in and so it’s coming out in my outer life. That’s very exciting. I’ve been doing Recognitions, and now I’m on Core Dynamics. With this, I really enjoy it because I’m a direct participant in how it works inside of me. I have the high-tech technology, but I get to create my own affirmations and record them so then when my meditation CD is ready I listen to it, I’m hearing myself. It’s good to hear yourself subliminally. So that’s helping me to help me. Once you really understand and allow yourself to grow, you never stop. It will become a great part of life. I’ll pass eating if I have to make a choice. - B.P.
The first time I put my Recognitions on, I ripped off in 30 seconds. I said, “Now I’m going to experience bliss. Now I really got the power, and I’m going to experience bliss.” I put it on. I was smiling. Then my smile went away, and my mind got so agitated I just threw my headphones on the floor. I said I don’t think this really works. Now, I have been a meditator for 13 years. I truly understand the power of using technology in your meditation. I understand now that what happened was some clearing I needed to do. That took like maybe 2 days. After that, now I can’t imagine meditating without it. It’s that precise, the experience I get. It’s so delightful. - J.J.
I started the Recognitions program about a year and a half ago. I’ve always felt a pull into learning more about consciousness and a drive to be more loving in the world. My mom was also a Recognitions program student and had been doing meditation for a while. She had introduced me a little bit to meditation and using music in order to assist you in balancing and quieting the mind. It sounded good to me so I became a student in the Recognitions program. I enjoy the disciplined practice of every day having a specific meditation tool that I use and especially since it involves music and something to focus on. - J.C.
After having an amazing experience and feeling what I felt, I definitely said, “I’m going to start meditating.” I began using the Recognitions programs, and I’ve been meditating with them for the past 2 years in a disciplined way, like 1 hour a day. It amazes me how all those fears that I used to have really vanished. It’s very rare that I have fear feelings now. They got substituted with confident thoughts, and I really feel co-assisted in a way and free, more patient, and more loving. I attribute that to the meditation because before that I did some emotional work and astrology and many things. I guess everything helped a little bit, but I can say I’m a different person before meditating and after meditating. - L.M.
Get the Recognitions Program
I use the Recognitions CDs for an hour every day. Because I have a lot of busyness in the morning, getting ready for work and with kids, I do it before I go to bed. It kind of slows me down for the day and puts me in a good space every end of day. - I.B.
After finding the Recognitions program, I realize my old meditations weren’t really giving me the same outcome. I spent many years trying to clear my mind, and probably in a short while with the Recognitions CDs, I had times when my mind was very very clear, which is what I was looking for. - S.K.
I was a meditator for 10 years before Recognitions. I was introduced to Synchronicity and the Recognitions program by someone who’s a therapist and told me he had someone in therapy who had started Recognitions and he could not believe the change in him. So I immediately got an 800-number, ordered Genesis (at the time) and started Recognitions immediately. I studied neural science in graduate school, and the explanation of the high-tech meditation was absolutely scientifically valid to me. It wasn’t even a matter of the spirituality. It was a matter of the brain. It was the matter of the balance. It was the matter of increasing the connection of the right and left brain, relaxation, and reducing stress and increasing the capacity of the brain. So those are things that really enticed me about the whole program. I’ve been doing them since 1988. I’m on Core Dynamics now, and I don’t think I’ve missed one day of meditation since 1988. It’s like eating and breathing. I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I usually meditate in the morning. I meditate again at night before going to bed. - D.A.
My experience of meditating with the Synchronicity Recognitions program has been profoundly life-changing. I’m an entirely different person now than I was before I started this process. My experience of wholeness, balance, and bliss that is constant. No matter what is going on that bliss is underlying. I never could have learned to meditate without that help. I had a very busy mind. Even on days when I don’t feel very balanced, I can put that CD on and it starts to meditate me. If you listen to this, even a rock would evolve. So there’s hope! - N.B.
The Recognitions program has given me a sense of discipline where I have a monthly lesson to refer to each day. It comes along with experiential exercises to do with my meditations, and it keeps me growing in ways that if I were not to have a formal program I were divert and circle around. I find that this Recognitions program has a step-by-step interval that is very doable on a month-to-month basis. It builds a strong base on which to grow the next lesson. I can always refer back to a previous lesson if I need to, if I feel a weakness in an area. Basically, it gives a strong foundation for the expansion of consciousness. - M.M.
I’m in Core Dynamics now. When I first discovered Synchronicity, they were just starting a program called Recognitions, which involved tapes to listen to. I joined right away, and I brought 12 of my best friends. We had a program at that time where we spent a week-end learning about it and then we began our individual program. It was great because it didn’t involve being anywhere. I could do it in the privacy of my home. It’s now 28 years later and I’ve been through all the levels of Recognitions and the 7th level of Core Dynamics, which is the successor program. I’ve heard that someone is in Core Dynamics 26. I didn’t move that fast. Money didn’t always flow as fast as it does now. When I come to Virginia once a year, I can move to the next level of the program. The Recognitions and Core Dynamics is kind of like a baseline in my life. Every day I connect with this energy by doing my program. I sit in the morning for half an hour in meditation with my headphones on. Since our trip to India and chanting became more popular here, I start my meditation with about 5 or 10 minutes of the Om Ama Rani chant, which is my favorite. Then I go into my meditation so I’ve extended my half hour to 35-40minutes. When it’s over, I’m ready to begin the day. I can’t imagine my life without doing it. There were years though when I struggled and could not find that half hour in the morning. Time was much more difficult, particularly when I had a young child. Now I’m able to do it, I’d say, 27 out of 30 days. Sometimes on Wednesdays I’m out with the gardener, and I do my meditation actively with the plants. I love having my own personalized version of the program. - P.S.
Synchronicity High-Tech Meditation

I use the alpha and theta tracks from Synchronicity to accompany me in my daily life. I use those CDs when I’m with my girls, and we are doing homework or we’re having some dinner. Welcome to my World is a piece that I really like. It’s an alpha vibration. Sometimes my husband comes in very stressed from his work and from the traffic of Mexico City, which can sometimes make you go nuts. Just stepping into our home gives us a different energy, a different vibration, the vibration of love and peace. We can dive in it very easily and feel it. - L.M.
I have to say that I live in one of the most imbalanced cities of the world, Mexico City. I think I need the most help I can get, so I use alpha sound tracks in my car, in my office, in my iPod, in my cell phone. While I sleep, the house has it running all day. I basically use it in every meeting. I put it on my cell phone. I usually meditate to the Recognitions program. But any other time in the day, like before a meeting when I just want to take a deeper dive in my meditation, I take a 15-20 minute break with my headphones in the theta sound tracks. Other than that, it’s alpha all day. - J.J.
Mostly I use the alpha soundtracks when I want clarity and relaxation. In traffic when it might take 1 ½ to 2 hours to get where I’m going for the next meeting, I always like to have music in my car. I can see the difference between having any just any type of music and bathing my car with the Now CD. That’s all I play. I have some music sometimes just to get in a certain mood, and I just put my Now the Technology in my car and close my windows so I just see what’s happening, like a symphony of things happening around me. It’s fun! - R.T.
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I use the alpha and the theta soundtracks with my clients for body work, some healing work, and guided facilitated meditation. I use all of the alpha and theta tracks for background. Before I started using these, I would leave at the end of the day tired. Now I go home peaceful and energized because the technology is there for me and for my clients to entrain to, instead of our entraining each other. It’s made all the difference. It’s made me really deliciously happy at the end of the day instead of exhausted. - B.S.
What I will do quite often is put on Now the Technology, and just let that play in the background for whatever is going on. It just seems to mellow out the air. When I’m making my jewelry, I’ll use one of the divine name soundtracks. Using these meditation tapes when I’m creating my jewelry puts me in that state where I’m not doing the work. I’m just hands that are creating it. The inspiration is divine. The Now CD makes me feel like the air is clean and it’s peaceful and restful. It doesn’t take me into a deep meditative state, but I am able do my work peacefully and gently with no effort. - L.B.
Through the music sound tracks I’ve found that they just really expand the possibilities of how life can develop. I’ve had different people who’ve had musical backgrounds that have gotten onto the CDs from Synchronicity. They say they hear tones they’ve never heard. They see colors. It broadens what their brain scales can handle, to come in and for you to experience. I would wish everyone to enjoy themselves with a little bit of Synchronicity’s products. - M.L.
I use Synchronicity Alpha and Theta CDs in my healing office. They run repetitively throughout the day to bring balance to the environment. Underneath it, I have now the Technology running, so I have two tracks running at the same time through our speaker system. It makes a difference. People walk in and they can palpably feel that it’s a calm environment, and I attribute that primarily to the sound tracks that are being played. - J.T.
I use the theta soundtrack, usually Sounds of Source, either 2 or 4, in my computer at work. That goes on as soon as I get to work. For 20 years I’ve counseled people in re-entry from prison, people who were just starting back to school to earn a degree, people who couldn’t sleep. I gave them Sounds of Source and told them, “If you want to meditate, this will meditate you. If you want to sleep, put on headphones and lie down.” I’ve advised them to use the CD environmentally because it really helps to absorb whatever you’re reading or you’re studying. I use it when I write grants, when I do budgets. It has also been extremely successful with stressed mothers with young babies. Holding a crying baby is going to create more stress so I’ve advised many women who have come out of addiction and have new babies or had their children come back to them is to put on Sounds of Source, put the headphones on and then hold the baby. They’ve reported back that the babies fall asleep very easily then. It really does work, and they were so grateful. It helps people coming out of prison or out of addiction to recognize the bliss and relaxation that they can have without using some external force. These CDs really do help them through their process of recovery, of gaining back their children, of becoming part of society again from being marginalized. - S.J.
One of my favorite CDs is the OM, which has the alpha technology. I use it every day, usually in the morning just before I leave for work because it really helps me to balance and stay focused, and it expands me, calms me down. Also I experience a level of excitement when I’m ready to leave. It perks me up and helps me just to tippy-toe on my way. I enjoy that feeling. I don’t drink coffee, so it’s like my coffee. I also make sure I save time for OM. Then when I come home in the evenings, I’m usually pretty tired, spent. This CD brings me back into that blissful place. During the day, I’ve learned to balance myself so I can have my bliss and be my bliss. In the evenings when I’m ready to relax, to clear out all of the daily goings-on, I can get back in my center again. I feel really good, really high. - B.P.
It’s quite a delightful process for me. I use meditation in my work. I’ve found myself using it in ways that I wasn’t even aware of in working with inmates in prison. They don’t have language per se. They have one language, and that’s the language of their community, and it’s negative-based, negative-dominant totally. I introduced a session where I work with inmates in mentoring and affirmations. I give them the affirmation. They choose the one they think are applicable to them, where their feet are, and then we talk about them and work on them. Then their assignment is to go back and give me those affirmations in a life-affirming vision for their lives, which they love doing because they don’t ever have words to express visions, to say my life will be this, this, and this. So we have a lot of fun with that. I also created motivational-inspirational and encouragement cards designed specifically for inmates. These are sayings, quotations that inspire. If they need inspiration, they get an inspiration card. If they need encouragement, they get to choose an encouragement card. Most of them have all the cards now. They say one day they may need encouragement and the next day some inspiration. So that’s been really fun for me, working with the inmates in that way. I’m constantly trying to think of creative ways of introducing them and further expanding what is there. They really do have potential. - A.S.
Get Synchronicity High-Tech Meditation
I originally got into the high-tech meditations because of the studies they showed on the website, just how the technology assists in the efficiency of the meditation. So I liked the scientific aspect of it. Then experientially, it was very different. You get away from the mind and start to experience the deep meditations it gives you. I wasn’t getting that with regular meditation without the technology. - R.E.
I noticed a big reduction in stress and what it would take to get me stressful. It seems like life today is so full of stress, and people have a hard time dealing with it and have sort of given up and accepted that life is stressful. People often say to me, “Oh, you mediate. So you don’t have any stress?” That’s very true. It has really made my life free of stress. That was the very beginning, a long time ago, but that has opened up so much more. That’s where the really good stuff is. Without the stress is a nice thing, but there is so much more. - P.A.
I invest the time I do in meditation and holistic lifestyle because it pays dividends. I’ve become much more effective and efficient so the time I set aside for meditation I’ve become much more efficient and effective in the remaining time I have for work and wife. We sometimes get like the busy businessman, when we don’t have time for meditation, we don’t have time for exercise. But if we don’t take the time for those things, we’re never going to reach that peak that we want to reach. It’s essential that we meditate and set aside time for that and something like a simple walk. It will pay the dividends and you’ll be happy that you’ve done it. - D.S.
Physically you get more will power to do what’s good for the evolution of your body. You get clearer understandings of how your thoughts and emotional patterns work or are linked together. You get sort of detached. You can see now what story is causing a certain emotion. You can see all that clearly. In my case, I’ve become more compassionate, calmer, and happier. The most benefit I’ve gotten meditating with the technology is the capacity it gives to surrender to the love that you are. - J.T.
Having the Synchronicity meditation has been a journey over the past year and a half. First, what I noticed more of is just being able to sit still for longer. I started out doing a half-hour of meditation and finding my mind get quieter during that time, and then being able to build up to doing an hour of meditation and to see how that trickled into my life and how the experiences were. Now I’m able to enter into the conflicting circumstances, the stressful circumstances and not be attached to the action that’s happened and just be at peace and watch things as they happen and make decisions from a still mind and more of a space in the heart. Meditation now is much different and I get to feel more of the essence of who I am, and that’s the best gift ever. - J.C.
The difference that I’ve found in just sitting quietly and watching the mind attempt to clear like clouds in the sky with thought patterns vs Recognitions program for me has been that less effort, for sure. I don’t have to try to hit a goal like no-brain thought. My thoughts just dance with the music until they evaporate into thin air. M.L.
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The program has really been transformational in my life, like night and day difference. As my insight has changed I find that the world reflects back to me what I’ve become. It’s been wonderful to see in the workplace and at home the changes that have occurred, not to mention the fact that my baseline of happiness and peace has grown. I find myself being happy for no reason. The baseline of happiness and joy just grows and grows. The outcome of the program has been wonderful. - D.S.
I first came across Synchronicity when I attended an expo where I was living. It was a fairly small booth with about 4 or 6 sets of headsets so you could have a listen to the soundtracks. I took the free CD and booklet and tried it out at home. Then pretty much straight-away I went on to buy Recognitions one. C.A.
My daughter has care of 6 teenagers, and there’s a lot of time that I look after them. In the past I always wanted to control them and to do what I thought they should do. We were constantly tugging at each other. It was something of a battle sometimes. I couldn’t understand why these children didn’t respect me. Nowadays, it’s completely different, just honoring them and honoring who they are. This is where their feet are. No longer do I try to control the situation. It is what it is because that’s what it is. Our relationships are so much better. They’re open, friendly, fun. I just have a wonderful time with them now. L.B.
When most people approach me and ask what I’m doing (because they like my demeanor and I’m relaxed and an easy person to speak to), I tell them meditation. They generally want to have some of that when they hear that. I’ve always recommended meditation, whatever works for you. Nowadays I certainly suggest they try Synchronicity meditations. I actually started off with one of Synchronicity's CDs and put it in the car. It was much later when I discovered it there. It was the OM CD. I listened to it and was so drawn to it. I went online and bought another couple CDs. I then found the Recognitions program and have never looked back. That’s what I share with people. If it’s your time, just start meditation. - B.R.
My personal experience of meditation is that relaxation comes into my life. I love to get up early in the morning, and I love to sit into meditation for an hour or hour and a half. I just go into no-place. I’m totally present, totally aware of what’s going on, totally aware of myself, and I’m having a wonderful time. I can’t tell you that every day is that great. There are times when I just can’t do it, and I don’t. For the most part it’s a divine experience. - A.G.
I’ve noticed that there has become more contrast in my life experience in that basically I am happy for no reason. When I’m not, when something comes up and I react and I lose that balance, it is so obvious to me, horrifying to me. It’s not usually a huge thing. I don’t usually have huge reactions anymore. It doesn’t matter. I just wonder why would I choose that when I have access to everything, such deep joy and bliss and ability, awareness, relationship. Why turn that off? It’s very easy for me to see that now. The biggest challenge is not to get down on myself because something threw me off or because I’m seeing something as wrong, something that I think should be other than it is. That’s a big one for me, and I’m still working on that one. When I do react that way, I really notice it and don’t like it. - M.T.
Get Synchronicity High-Tech Meditation
The thing I’ve got most from meditating with Synchronicity technology is a process by which I could deal with things that came up in my life. This has nothing to do with being at Synchronicity. This is at home when the going gets tough. Ways of looking at things like somebody annoys you. There’s a process by which you can first find your own balance and then examine what’s going on there. Why did I get so plugged in by this experience? I found that absolutely invaluable. It’s created openings in my relationship with people that I would have been completely incapable of finding on my own. - P.K.
It’s a stillness. The music changes at each level and sometimes it works better for me than others. Mostly it seems to be selected in such a way that the vibration kind of clears your head and helps your thoughts to still down. By the time I get to the second half, the ocean sounds, I’m truly ready for a wonderfully serene experience. - P.D.
The main benefits that I notice in my daily life is that I’m a lot clearer about what’s going on in me, my responses to things, my reactions, why I’m reacting like that, what other choices I have. In the past I wouldn’t have seen a choice, an instant reaction rather than having that space between when I feel a reaction arise and make a choice as to whether I follow through on that behavior. There’s a lot more empowerment as far as my choices and what I’ve created in life because of that. That’s a gradual process, but I certainly see it developing here. - R.W.
I very much notice that when I meditate I actually time my meditation to be before work because I work in the emergency department and it’s chaotic. I get very wound up in that environment at times. I notice when I come home from work, I need time to come down from that. If I can meditate beforehand, I go into that environment in a much calmer balanced state. I can maintain my awareness of what’s going on around me more and therefore my response to that. I just find that my experience at work is much more positive. It’s not so much what happens at work but my response at work and how I manage myself. I find coming home after there’s a shift. If I’ve meditated beforehand, it’s a lot more beneficial. - G.C.
I immediately felt more intelligent, after a few years of meditation. I felt I was grasping things much faster, very focused at work and with writing and numbers, with whatever I would be doing, much more energy, and just that blissful calm feeling. I live in NYC so I happen to meditate on the subway, and by the time I get to work, exactly an hour and 15 minute ride, I’m in the inner and the outer at the same time. I have that feeling of being in spirit and in body at the same time. That’s how I can walk into work, which is very helpful in New York. I have great meditations in the subway, some incredible experiences in subway stations, the flower shower kind of thing and lights and sparkles in the oddest places. - S.J.
A lot of times when I mention that I meditate to other people, they always say, Oh you must not have a lot of stress. Maybe they pick that up about me. That’s really not why I’ve continued to meditate. It’s more about finding out who I really am and getting in touch with my own heart. That’s really the fulfillment that I get, that’s why I’m here. Everything is so materialistic nowadays, and to find something that is deep as your own heart that is profound. No new car or whatever it may be will fill that. That’s by far the most profound experience I’ve had with high-tech meditation. C.B.
Get Synchronicity High-Tech Meditation
From my experience the most important thing that one can get from entering into the meditation program with Synchronicity is that when our minds are running so fast we barely have time to feel into our hearts and actually know what it is we truly want to do. So much mental noise! I experience how that has shifted in my life and how that is so good for me health wise in my relationships. If that one thing can change for someone and they can do some meditation and quiet the mental noise that the take-away on that would be absolutely priceless. And it costs nothing to meditate to music. There are so many benefits to it, but ahh, the peace of mind! - E.C.
High-Tech Meditation really helped me in passing exams and getting my job. It helped me to become more relaxed, more focused. In anesthesiology we have exams where we’re quizzed by two different examiners on a whole range of different topics. As I sat there waiting to be called I was aware of all the anxiety there from all the other people around, and at the same time I was very aware of my own heart racing and my cold sweat so I just pulled out the headphones and plugged in one of the soundtracks and meditated 10 or 15 minutes. Immediately I felt myself relaxing and my pulse gradually slowing down from over 100 down to 60. My hands warmed up. When my name was called, I was very very relaxed and just watching everything happening. That perspective helped me answer the questions more confidently than I would ever have been able to without meditation. Z.O.
I’ve been meditating on and off about 13 years, probably more off than on for the first 7 years or so. I first became interested in mediation and spirituality when I was about 18 or 19 years old. For the first 7 years or so, I wasn’t happy with where I was going. I was trying different programs, trying meditation groups in London, but I felt like I wasn’t quite getting anywhere. My mother was also interested and told me years ago about Synchronicity when I was a teenager, but I ignored her (as teenagers will do) to my peril. Finally, when I was 27 I succumbed and tried out Synchronicity meditation. I’ve never looked back. Since then, my meditations have just taken off in exponential fashion. - O.E.
The benefits that I’ve found in doing the meditation is more balanced, more grounded, more open to everyone’s experience, allowing a lot of different things to happen in life and not get disturbed or wanting it my way. The greatest attribute is the balance and the peace. - C.R.
The whole Sanctuary is beautiful. There is a vibratory essence about it that is at once intense and peaceful. Every place has its own unique vibration within that. The meditation environment has its own vibration. The kitchen has its own really creative energy. The pavilion has its own exquisite perfection. At the pond where the ducks are as you walk down the hill, everything is just beautifully laid out. It feels like being in this magical world. -K.B.
How a retreat feels is that I get to be my real self. I find myself going back to how I was as a little girl, just happy and joyful and free and delighted with everything and everyone. Everyone looks beautiful and magical to me. The trees are talking and the birds are talking and everything is magically flowing together. My heart feels open, and my body feels relaxed. I laugh more here. I am more in my heart than in my head. In fact, sometimes I have a hard time thinking and putting words together because I’m just moving with it. That is how I remember being as a little girl in the moments when I felt free before I became so entrained to this world and my family. It’s like returning to my natural inner place that I love. - C.M.
Some of my meditations at the Sanctuary have been busy, unquiet and others that were truly exquisite, beautifully peaceful, going into open space. What my experience was after returning back to my home from the Sanctuary, my meditations were much deeper, and I was able to achieve those delicious nothing spaces much more easily and consistently. Here there is a bit of a challenge for me with energy moving through my body, but I completely understand that is clearing some of the old patterns that are in my body, in my brain, in my emotions. I feel those coming up and I appreciate that. Actually that’s one of the biggest reasons I appreciate doing serve-study is because as I’m moving in the kitchen that can keep moving, percolating. - W.W.
Synchronicity Sanctuary Retreats

Synchronicity offers a place to embrace nature and inner peace in a supportive and friendly environment. The meditation is like none other. In a large room with high ceilings, you engage your headset and hear incredible music with the underlying technology. Rather than conjuring words, think of the lyrics of the Beatles’ hit song, “A Day in the Life” as the type of interesting thoughts that arise as you begin to meditate, often called our “monkey mind.” As your mind calms, think of the final 42-second long chord of that song. Voila! You are there. - M.O.
So relaxing I was able to shut my phone off and be in the sanctuary space for a few days and it was so relaxing. Jim made delicious food for every meal. His flourless chocolate torte was heaven. Ben and Julie were very gracious and always checked in when they saw me to see if I needed anything. During the personal retreat there is plenty of alone time. I found a large field and journaled, napped, and read. It was exactly what I needed. Thank you so much - T.P.
Upon arriving at the center the energy was palpable. Having attended programs here for many years I don't recall ever coming into focus and feeling my energy shift so quickly. I consider Synchronicity's Sanctuary as being my spiritual home. It is a place like no other! - S.F.
The Sanctuary Retreat Center is truly one of the most amazing and spiritually fulfilling weekends I’ve had in such a long time. I felt supported and cared for from the moment I showed up. Everyone there was genuinely interested in my meditation journey and how they could help me deepen and strengthen my practice. It’s become my happy place and I can’t wait to return there! - J.F.
I think it’s interesting that the energy here at the Sanctuary is always changing. It always is the right energy for me. It’s like the universe is intelligent and we’re all here to evolve, so the energy here is magnified with that intent. When I need a little push, it gives me a little push. When I need a little love, it gives me a little love. It gets everything moving where I need to go. At a more subtle level the experience that I get when I arrive here is a real sense of peace and love and gentleness, something that’s unusual in most of the world today. - C.L.
The Sanctuary is Mother Nature at its best, humankind at its best, spacious and everlasting. I arrived at the airport, drove here, felt a little different, and when I get on the property it’s nothing like anything I’ve experienced before. It’s a very sweet, loving energy. I feel at home and safe and loved. - J.C.
The energy I feel here I feel in my body like when you have 2 beers or a glass or two of wine, that opiation, just very relaxed. Sometimes I feel like my arms are heavy. I feel like everything is perfect. Everything is in its place, as it’s supposed to be. I feel like butterflies in my stomach all the time, like lady bugs maybe. This energy really helps me stay present, being in the moment. All the stories are really slowing down, each day more and more. - B.R.
The environment here at the Sanctuary is just beautiful. I often come in the fall just because I love to see the change of seasons. The walk through the woods from the Lodge to where all the buildings are is probably my favorite along with walking the mountain. Just the naturalness, hearing the leaves falling, the peace! - T.C.
Being here for the first time is so miraculous. I don’t really have words to describe it. I feel so different than I did a few days ago. Everything is so right. Everything feels really really good. Being with the people around here, working with the staff and being with the guests, I’m in awe of humans. I’m in awe of the love that is the truth of who we are and the essence of oneness. I can feel it now. I can actually feel it. It’s not just a concept. So cool! - C.J.
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Probably the most impactful experience here at the Sanctuary is the depth of meditation. It takes me to levels that really bring out a new peak. For example, it is brought in a holistic feeling of pure consciousness and bliss that it’s hard to really put into words. It’s almost like when I go into meditation or even go into a retreat, it’s almost like putting our hand into a honey jar. When you pull your hand out, all that honey just stays with you. It just lingers for a long time after you’re done meditating and after you’re done with the retreat. - D.G.
What I would say to people who either can’t find the time to come on a retreat, I would say the same thing about meditation. You need to set aside some time each day to meditate; you need to set some time each year to attend a retreat. Just as meditation during your day provides a cycle of rest and you apply it in activity, the retreat provides you an even deeper experience that you can then take into activity. You need to look at it as the same pattern of why you set aside time for meditation. You need to set aside some time for retreat. -L.B.
My experiences at this retreat this week have been amazing, I mean totally amazing. There was a point during the week when I went “Oh my god, it’s only Wednesday. Will this thing ever be over?” And I woke up this morning thinking, “Oh my god, there’s almost no time left. I want more. I want more.” There have been good things that have gone on. I still love my data. I know there’s a lot more to go, but I’ve released a lot of it already. There’s been peak experiences that have been totally mind-blowing, blissful, and peaceful. When you realize you’ve been through this experience, the peace begins to flow in, and it feels so good and so right. - P.S.
The energy here and how it affects my meditation is an interesting question. Normally I have deep and profound meditations at home so when I come here, it’s kind of jumbled a little bit in the beginning. Then it just builds and builds. Usually by the end of the retreat it’s by far a much deeper, more profound meditation than when I came. There’s a process that goes on, and that is the process of growth. When I leave, the result is always readily and easily visible. - A.B.
While I’m here in meditation, I seem to go deeper than I ever go at home. What’s interesting is after I come home, my meditations continue to be deeper so I know that in some ways it’s helping to accelerate my evolution, and I’m able to take that progress back home and continue to enjoy the benefits of a deeper meditation. -S.K.
Being here has affected my meditation by giving me an actual tangible example of what I can be in my daily meditations. I’ve never felt like this before in my life. It’s tangible. I can taste it. I feel so inspired to meditate and continue my practice. A taste of this, as perfect as it is, I want more! Bring on more bliss! It’s given me a tangible example of where I can continue going. - A.S.
I meditate at home, but the experience varies depending on what’s going on in my life and what I’m processing. Sometimes I honestly resist it. Sometimes I dive into it. No matter where I’m at before I start, when I end it I’m always so grateful that I did it. My mind might be running more in the first half hour, then it starts to become more balanced toward the end and I feel better. Sometimes I enter into a state of bliss and the mind is quiet, and I have maybe some visions or messages that come to me. It’s ever-changing. I don’t necessarily know what a day is going to bring, but I do know that meditation balances me and enhances my connection with the subtle realms. - G.F.
The meditation in the retreat setting that I experience here is very powerful. I just feel a loving energy everywhere. Meditating around people who are really experiencing kind of the same things that I am and just by being in a peaceful place like this I’m surrounded by beautiful energy and beautiful nature. It really feels like close to heaven all the time. -L.M.
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Meditating here at the Sanctuary and in a group builds the dynamics much more diverse for me than at home by myself because the energies of all the people here play off of each other. It’s more palpable. There are always experiences you know exactly what’s showing up and others sitting in the dark can be just as blissful and delightful. - P.D.
Being here changes how I approach my meditation. Meditation becomes something I do the whole time, not something I do to sit to meditate. There are times at home that I go into a meditative state. Here it’s almost as if I arrive and go into a meditative state and stay there for the duration. If I stay balanced, it allows things to come up for processing. - R.C.
The energy when I first arrive at the Sanctuary almost knocks me over. It’s very very powerful. I’ve never been anywhere that has that intensity of energy. At first I just want to walk very very slowly and then get up to speed after a few days. The environment is beautiful. It’s a tremendous opportunity just to go walking through it. One of my favorite places is on the road up to the Blessed Mother pavilion. There’s a section there with a lot of wooden chips on it so it’s very very silent. The animals around, the squirrels and deer, don’t notice so much that I’m there so the chances of seeing something unusual (for an Australian) is always there. - C.A.
I come to retreats at Synchronicity to have my buttons pushed. It’s a place where you’re confronted by absolute honesty. There’s no hiding out. The whole energy of the place seems to support your exploring those parts of yourself that are most in need of exploration. - E.C.
Attending retreats have been initially a mixed bag for me. Today they are great. I understand what I call how to retreat. I’m just in my process. I understand how to peak and all of these different things that I experience in being here. When I first came to Synchronicity, I did serve-study. That was really funny but very horrendous. I had this history, and they put me in the kitchen to do work. That was fine, but I found that I was really not do too very well in the kitchen. I didn’t know why. We had these huge pots of food because we served many people. My job was to clean up and make sure the kitchen was neat. Then it dawned on me. Ah, my slave data was coming up! I had to completely re-group being in the kitchen. It helped me learn how to recognize that data that was ready to surface and to be let go. Then I was ready to expand, and I learned to laugh at myself. I would sing and clean about being a slave and no longer a slave. When I did serve-study, I didn’t have the money to do my program so this was part of my journey to share back. After that serve-study, my financial life catapulted literally, and I’ve never been without the finances to do a program. That was the most major event that happened for me from that one program. Then I began to do ongoing retreats. They were so helpful in bringing me back into balance, re-aligning me, and helping me to expand even further. - W.J.
Every retreat is impactful in one way or another, whether it’s an empowering retreat or whether there’s a lot of clearing and emotional release. As difficult as those times of emotional release are in many ways I greatly cherish those times because they are so freeing, to release an old memory or hurt, whatever it may be. Looking back at, although there are less and less of those, which is a great thing, I do value those. They are really deep. - B.G.
I come to retreats periodically, a couple times a year ideally. I come to really turbo-charge my evolution, to help me reach higher peaks than I’ve ever reached before and also to clear away any blocks that restrict my progress. I usually come back from my retreats feeling rested and ready to take on the work day and whatever challenges I might face. - S.D.
My personal experience when I attend a retreat is enter with no expectations and exit a different person. I really don’t have any expectations when I come here. I just know that it’s going to be refinement, to be more truthful than I’ve ever been up to that point. Every day in every way I am better than I have been. Then it just gets put on high when I’m here. -M.J.
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This is my third retreat. The first time I came, I threw up for 2 days, and I blamed it on tofu. Everybody kept saying, “It’s not the tofu. You’re processing!” Of course, it’s the tofu! I’m already here. I can’t be processing this much. After that was done, I didn’t realize how expanded I was until the day I left. I got to the airport, and everybody sounded like chipmunks. I couldn’t understand what they were trying to say. That was the first experience of how expanded I was because you don’t notice it. You just get more expanded and more blissful. The second time I came, I stayed clear of the tofu for 2 days, and I understood then it was not the tofu so I picked up my exercise. I did some supplements and tried to keep as balanced as possible. The other thing that gave my mind that gave me a rest was when I saw the staff. It’s very clear for me. When I met the staff, and everybody is blissed out, so filled with love and eager to share the love and welcomes you in such a loving way, you just can’t go wrong. In the third retreat, it’s just bliss. I’m getting the hang of my physical part and my emotional part so I just let tofu arise, emotions arise, thoughts arise, and just being in this environment that’s so supportive for me to expand. I leave here, and I’m just counting the days before another year to go back and fill my battery to go back to Mexico City. Stillpointe is a must in my life! - J.J.
Coming here for the retreat for the first time has been a huge experience for me in many ways. First, because I’ve been married for 13 years, and it’s the first time I have this time for myself. I have 3 girls, and I just realized that my life was just really giving and giving and giving. It has a lot of meaning to me that I am here. I wanted to go long ago and didn’t give it the time. It fills me with love and energy. The truth that I see in life now that I’m having this experience that the ego mind is all the time making up these stories that really disconnect us from what is real and what is perfect which is loving energy which is life. Things that we make up in our mind take the energy out of us and confuse us. I’m grateful for life and the experience of being in this Sanctuary, which has this connection with the divine feminine. I just feel it everywhere. Here the natural environment is just magical--the butterflies, the lady bugs, the spiders. Isn’t that amazing! I’m just very grateful for life and the experience with all of the staff that has made this beautiful family just vibrating love all the time and really feel contained in our experiences. Sometimes they’re moving, so many things moving from the past from our stories and all these emotions. It’s just the best money I ever spent. -G.S.
My meditations at home are wonderful. I love the high-tech meditations that Synchronicity developed. I still need to make the journey here. If I want a suntan, I have to get in the sun. It’s just miraculous, this New Year’s Eve retreat in particular, updating my data. I was ready to make a shift. I needed the sun. Even though this retreat is compact, I’m getting the same precision, the same exact movement I would get in 7 days. That’s always reassuring to me because I don’t ever come wondering, hoping, praying this is going to work like I used to do with other things. Here, it’s precision. If I walk my walk where my feet are, then surely I will expand. - I.J.
The retreat experience is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. It takes me to new highs that I’ve never been to before. It’s helping me to clear away things that prevent me from further progress at home. It’s also wonderful to meet like-minded people, people that have similar inclinations to meditation and holistic lifestyle, and to meet the wonderful staff here. I look forward to returning every few months to go on a retreat. - The retreat experience is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. It takes me to new highs that I’ve never been to before. It’s helping me to clear away things that prevent me from further progress at home. It’s also wonderful to meet like-minded people, people that have similar inclinations to meditation and holistic lifestyle, and to meet the wonderful staff here. I look forward to returning every few months to go on a retreat. The retreat experience is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. It takes me to new highs that I’ve never been to before. It’s helping me to clear away things that prevent me from further progress at home. It’s also wonderful to meet like-minded people, people that have similar inclinations to meditation and holistic lifestyle, and to meet the wonderful staff here. I look forward to returning every few months to go on a retreat. - The retreat experience is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. It takes me to new highs that I’ve never been to before. It’s helping me to clear away things that prevent me from further progress at home. It’s also wonderful to meet like-minded people, people that have similar inclinations to meditation and holistic lifestyle, and to meet the wonderful staff here. I look forward to returning every few months to go on a retreat. -V.D.
I basically come to retreats for the “hit.” There’s this bliss, this expansion, this joy that comes out of meditation. It is great to experience it to its fullest extent here. I experience that capacity in myself to its fullest extent here. To come for a week, that is essentially my only focus, my intention is to be meditative for much of the day, to be fully present for as much of the 24 hours as possible. It just takes me into much deeper states and helps me find the boundaries of my current limitations in terms of who I am and what life is with its possibilities. There’s something in my nature that likes to find those boundaries and to go beyond them. There is a real joy in realizing that I am more. My ongoing experience is that we are infinitely more than we ever think we are. - R.W.
Here I feel like I’m coming home. I feel my Being relaxing. I don’t have to do or be anything other than who I am. How I am is just fine. There’s a calmness and joy here in the whole environment and reflected in all the people that are here. Joyful reflections all the time--a leaf changing color or someone smile at you-- just simple things but there’s a joyous simplicity of it all. I experience people living truthfully and that’s just a blessing to be part of. I’ll keep coming back because I want to be part of that. - P.B.
I usually come to a retreat with intention. Whether there’s something that I want to contemplate, something in life that I want to re-think, re-examine, re-invent, my experience here is to be totally cleansed in a week. It feels like camp, a camp of conscious living that reinforces my disciplines, my practice of meditation, the positive thinking that is so easy to get into negative thought patterns, especially from the residents here who always have a different spin. The spin is always in the positive so it reinforces those kinds of patterns for me. I peak but my peaks are pretty short-lived. My experience most of the time is again living from another place where I’m both inner and outer at the same time, and I feel taller, higher, like I’m really here. Living from this [lace is very different, blissful. I’m a living spirit or a spirit living in a human body rather than the other way around. - S.J.
The best part I like about the retreats is leaving the Sanctuary because it is then that I can see the transformation that’s occurred while I was at the Sanctuary. I get that contrast that I can really measure. It’s all there to see, all the energetic I’ve received is so easily seen. That part, I like to joke about. There’s more to it, of course. Coming to the Sanctuary, I find the energetic unmistakable, tremendously transforming. That is something that’s very rare, very hard to find. - C.L.
Each time I come here, it’s a completely new experience that is completely mind-blowing. Each time I come I see something different about myself that I’ve never seen before. It just helps me grow mentally and emotionally. -Z.L.
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The opportunity to experience a Synchronicity retreat is absolutely life-changing. When my feet hit the ground here, the energetic is palpable. I notice when I’m here, my illusions start to melt away. The energetic entrains me, and I’m able to find such profound shifts in my state of consciousness and the downloads I receive. Coming to these retreats allows me to take quantum leaps in evolution. Who doesn’t want to take advantage of that! - D.T.
I always look forward to coming to Virginia for a retreat. I live in Los Angeles, which is noisy and busy, and I work all the time and am very focused. So it’s a chance to shift my energy when I come to Virginia. It’s rural and quiet and intense but in a totally different way. The cell service here is lousy so I’m not as connected to all the people I’m normally connected to, which is a blessing of its own. I never know what’s going to happen because every time things are different. There are some different ways: the food is different, the lifestyle is different. I kind of do my own thing, regardless of what the rules are, which is kind of nice for me. Sometime that’s not acceptable and sometimes that is. It’s an evening-based routine, which I like since I’m not much of a morning person. There is often the period during my visit towards the end when I’m ready to go home. I need to get out of here right now, but then that kind of fades, and the last day or so it’s magnificent. Then there’s the thought of going back to my normal world. As soon as I leave, I’m tearful and I want to come back. Lately, I’ve been coming once a year or maybe twice in a year, which is really rich if I get to do that. - E.J.
There is nothing else like a retreat at the Synchronicity sanctuary. To say it is revitalizing, re-energizing, and "re-connecting to the Eternal" is an understatement. Especially during these challenging, chaotic times--I find it vital and expansive to do so. I am so very grateful this opportunity is available. – M.C.
Greetings to you all from Ontario, Canada! As you can imagine, I am now processing the amazing experience of the retreat and am so grateful to you all - the program was really uplifting, with enough quiet time to rest and integrate. I was so glad of the opportunities to visit the Parsonage during the week, and the Zoom experience with Swami Nityananda at Shanti Mandir was wonderful and very powerful. I truly appreciate the place of technology here! The food was delicious and nourishing all week - many thanks to all concerned. I have greatly enjoyed catching up with people again, especially at mealtimes, and being able to share our experience together. It was great to spend time with Ben and Julie there too, and I look forward to further Zoom calls! I am in awe of the beautiful landscaping work and the refurbishing of the accommodations. All in all, I congratulate everyone and look forward to my next visit! – J.R.
It was a great retreat!
- I greatly appreciated the increased meditations this retreat, and especially the one’s up at the parsonage, which were really nice!
- I also appreciated the easygoing attitude with regard to attending the different parts of the program. This allowed a more customized retreat for each participant, allowing each of us to get what we needed from the retreat.
- I did the Nia dance one time and really enjoyed it! A nice addition, and would have done it the 2nd time but was a bit too opiated at the time.
- Might consider adding another night of empowerments if the demand is there. Have to say the 2nd and 3rd one I did were tremendously powerful, and subtle.
As always, food, housing and facilities top notch. It’s a real joy to see Synchronicity operating so well. A real testament to the dedication and spiritual maturity of the leadership and staff. In addition, I really enjoyed Ben and Julie at the retreat, and just love Ben’s energy! – C.L.
When I began to do ongoing retreats…I found they were so helpful in bringing me back into balance realigning me and helping me to expand…. – B.P.
Meditating here at the sanctuary during a retreat with a group of meditators builds the dynamics much more…then when I am at home. The energies of all the people play off each other…and the energy is stronger and more palpable. I love the people that show up because I find commonality of love, which supports people on a similar journey. –M.L.
More Info on Synchronicity Sanctuary Retreats
The meditations in the retreat setting are very powerful and I feel the loving energy everywhere just by meditating around people that are experiencing the same kind of things I am. This place is full of beautiful, loving energy and beautiful nature. It feels like you are close to heaven. I.G.
I have pretty deep and profound meditations at home. So when I come here for a retreat, it's kind of jumbled a little bit in the beginning. And then it just builds and builds. Usually by the end of the retreat it's a much deeper, more profound meditation than when I arrived. So there's a process that goes on and that is the process of growth. And when I leave, the result is readily and easily visible. P.W.
At the retreat you just get more expanded and more blissful and more expanded and more blissful. – J.G.
The energy here at the sanctuary is like nothing you've experienced anywhere else. It's clear that this whole place has been designed from the bottom up to facilitate our spiritual evolution. –D.S.
The Sanctuary Retreat Center is a special magical place and I’m deeply grateful for being able to experience it. My personal retreat was divine, filled with wonderful surprises and blessings. The entire staff was warm and welcoming as well as fully present and wise. The food was plentiful and delicious. The meditations and protocols were uplifting and healing. The lodging and grounds were beautiful and peaceful. I honestly can’t say enough about it all. My stay felt like being embraced by a big warm loving hug. I left feeling nourished, blissful, and inspired. I’m looking forward to when I can visit this very special place again. –P.B.
Thank you so much for the great hospitality I received during The Awakened Journey Retreat! It was exactly what I needed to restore balance and peace in myself. I enjoyed the program very much, including the time spent with Swami Nityananda, and it was lovely to catch up with you all. Along with the protocols for balance, special thanks go to all who prepared wonderful meals all week long! The warm sunshine during the week was wonderful too - I felt so relaxed and peaceful. Congratulations everyone for an outstanding retreat - have a great summer! – S.R.
I just have good comments, everything was great, the accommodation, the environment, I enjoyed each space, inside and outside, everything denotes all the years of efforts and attention to detail, always looking for a way to make us feel comfortable and having a pleasant experience. The food was delicious, I am already making the salads that we ate there, and the attention and warmth of everyone was food for the soul. The activities were balanced, I had time to rest and enjoy. It was very nice that everybody had the opportunity to share amongst all our experience, like I said, it was a really living Sanctuary ,that blossoms to receive you, the meditations, jagna, kirtan and the presence of Swami Gurudev was the cherry of the cake, I enjoyed every protocol and therapy that I received, my whole body is thankful. Hoping to return soon. – S.S.
I definitely feel the energy that’s here. It’s like I can feel it in my body like when you have a glass of wine, maybe two glasses that you sort of feel like that opiation you know just like very relaxed and sometimes I feel like my arms are kind of heavy and I just feel like everything is perfect everything it's in its place everything is as it's supposed to be. And I feel like butterflies in my stomach all the time. And this energy really helps me stay present. Yeah, really just like being in the present moment. And all the stories are just really slow, slowing down each day more and more and more. –O.E.
More Info on Synchronicity Sanctuary Retreats
The environment here at the sanctuary is just beautiful. I often come in the fall, just because I love to see the change of seasons. The walk through the woods from the Hermitage (Guest Housing) to where all the sanctuary building sites are is probably my favorite. Along with walking the mountain and just the naturalness to hear the leaves falling the rustle the peace. L.M.
I would say to people that either can't find the time to come on a retreat, I would say the same thing about meditation, you need to set aside some time each day to meditate. You need to set a time each year to attend to retreat. It provides The Retreat provides you an even deeper experience that you can then take into activity so you need to look at it as the same pattern why you set aside time for meditation, you need to set aside some time for retreat. – W.M.
When I meditate at home the experience varies. It depends on what's going on in my life and what I'm processing. Sometimes I resist it, and sometimes I dive into it but no matter what I'm always so grateful I did it I know it's shifted things and so maybe my mind might be running more in the first half hour meditation and then it starts to become more balanced and by the end of the meditation and then I feel better. Sometimes I enter into a state of bliss and the mind is quiet and I have maybe some visions or messages that come to me and it's ever changing and yes, I don't necessarily know what today's gonna bring but I do feel like it balances me and enhances my connection with my spiritual realms. Also, my meditations here have been from total bliss and surrender to the Divine Feminine. So much fire energies is like, sometimes I can't sit still, you know. It's all so absolutely perfect. I just appreciate where I'm at. Whatever's happening. – E.W.
I would have to say that probably the most impactful experiences is the depth of meditation I experience when I’m here at the sanctuary. It takes you to levels that, really bring out a new peak experience, for example, holistic feeling of just pure consciousness and bliss, that it's hard to really put into words. And it's almost like when I go into meditation or even go into a retreat, it's almost like putting your hand into a honey jar, and then pulling your hand out of a honey jar. It's all that honey just stays with you and it just lingers for a long time after you're done meditating or after you're done with the retreat. – D.S.
Meditating here at the sanctuary and with a group of meditators builds the dynamics much more for me then at home by myself because the energies of all the people here play off each other the way I see it, and the energy is stronger and more palpable. I love the people that show up because then I find commonality of love, which supports people on a similar journey. – G.R.
We thoroughly enjoyed our first Sanctuary mini-retreat. Susan was a great motivator and incredibly inspiring. We both took away many positives for moving forward in our lives. The program schedule is well thought out and ran smoothly. The class was a perfect size giving us all lots of room to move about. The dinner meal was a perfect end to the day, enjoying a tasty meal and spending time with friends. We hope to have more opportunities for retreats in the near future. - C.C. and M.C.
The mini retreat Eat, Pray, Love, Dance with Susan Tate satisfied all the senses. It was lighthearted, uplifting, informative, fun, and the opportunities for circumspection and meditation completed this lovely experience. It was a treat to also enjoy the beautiful springtime forest of Synchronicity. And we must add that the dinner following the retreat was absolutely delicious in every way! - C.F and D.F.
As I mentioned to Susan, I thoroughly enjoyed the retreat and it was made more special because of the Sanctuary Retreat Center’s beauty. I especially loved the second place where we met which was below the dining room. The meditation hall also has such a beautiful energy. Unfortunately, I could not stay for dinner but the smells emanating from the kitchen were mouth-watering. Lastly, I loved all of the lighting, especially the different colors, that came on as it became dark. - P.S.
My experience at Sanctuary Retreat Center was everything I had hoped for. A beautiful drive, a warm welcome, calm and loving energy from all the attendees and staff, but especially from Susan. I’ve been joining her in Nia Movement classes via Zoom for a few months, so this was our first in-person meeting- and it was such a joy! I came away with a calmer outlook as well as numerous resources to help me in my life. –J.E.
Beautiful surroundings immediately set a tone of calm and peace. The retreat I recently attended met all of my expectations of ways to identify and destress. The staff was wonderful, room very comfortable adjusted temp had water and fruit available. Susan Tate, the leader was well prepared and delightful. The NIA for me was an active dance of releasing stress to gain strength and love. I am sorry I did not stay for on grounds meditation and dinner but looking for an opportunity. – O.C.
It was a great experience... I loved the peaceful atmosphere and the beautiful grounds. Everyone was super friendly. – T.H.
Leading up to the personal retreat all of my emails were answered in a timely manner with clear communications. One uncertainty I had before arriving was if I'd be "recruited" or pressured into joining something, buying something, or listening to something. You guys did a great job doing two things: Making sure I knew my options like the shop, protocols, etc., and making sure I knew they were optional and that there was no pressure. I found exactly what I wanted in a personal retreat at the sanctuary. The staff was friendly and happy to give me as much or as little attention as I desired. A tranquil, low-pressure, beautiful place to spend time alone. Thank you so much! - P.M.
Transcendence Program

The right balance between my mental focus and relaxation has been my goal. … Every practice session does not necessarily allow this to happen. But for some amazing reason just the effort always brings inner calm to my mind and body…I do not now find myself holding my breath as much during the day nor hunching my shoulders forward. I do not get as irritated at others nor myself as I had been prone to do in the past. -J.A.
I enjoy good physical health and easily fall back to sleep: It makes perfect sense that if you increase mental calmness in your life (i.e. less stress and anxiety), the organs and systems in your body benefit. Yesterday I had a medical checkup and the doctor was very pleased to note the good BMI, low blood pressure, low pulse rate, and high oxygen saturation level. When I told him that I worked on a healthy diet and exercise but also had added daily meditation he agreed that all contributed to my overall wellness. Also just as a note, sleeping has never been difficult for me but as I age I do wake up more in the night and find that I can use my meditation techniques and will fall back to sleep easily. -C.F.
Get The Transcendence Program
For some amazing reason just the effort of daily meditation with the transcendence program always brings inner calm to my mind and body…I do not get as irritated at others nor myself as I had been prone to do in the past. -D.D.
The Lighthouse

I had an experience that I had not had for a while. It was different than the
Recognitions program meditation. It felt laser focused in the third eye then upwards to the royal road and crown. I can liken it to the Transcendental Journey experience but again different. Thank you for a wonderful experience. I look forward to my second. – S.J.
Meditating seemed even easier today with your remote energy experience than with the usual sound technology. I enjoyed the experience very much. – M.C.
The first part of my experience was a sensation of a gentle energy wrapping around me. After about 10 minutes it shifted to a strong crown focus, pulsating and expansive until it changed into a feeling of deeper, slow vibrations. Towards the end it evened out again to being wrapped in love. M.K.
Get The Lighthouse
Wow. Amazing. I almost immediately felt myself going into a deep meditative state with the mind becoming almost thoughtless. Something that takes a lot longer in normal meditation.
I had a random thought that I should have set a timer for the 30 minutes as I would not know where the time was up. However within seconds of 30 minutes I found myself floating upward in consciousness from delta to theta to alpha and my now altered beta state. Sort of like being immersed in a deep ocean and floating to the surface in just a minute or two. -J.C.
As I sat down for the session to begin I did notice the following a general sense of ease, a slight elevation in my mood, an increase in subtle energy flow in third eye vortex. This whole experience kept deepening until I went into absence who’s lasted for the remainder of the session. M.T.
Balance from the Cloud

For several years I have been using Balance from the Cloud 24/7/365. My observation is that I rarely have an illness and that I recover quickly from imbalances whether physical, emotional or mental. Although my testimonial does not verify cause and effect and there may be other factors at play, I sincerely believe it is an important tool in terms of supporting health and well-being. - Bob S.
Get Balance from the Cloud
Balance from the Cloud is magical...helps me consistently maintain an on-going state of balance. It provides enhanced clarity and holistic awareness as I delight in blissful meditation absorption. It is awesome...I feel saturated in love...completely enveloped in radiant spiritual presence. It helps to entrain me to "find my heart infinite and everywhere (Hafiz)...experiencing a unified state of being! - B.P.Balance from the Cloud has been a staple in my health and wellbeing tool box for eight years. I look forward to my monthly updates and trust that the energetic I receive all month long is supporting me in ways that are uniquely subtle yet powerful. How fortunate we are to have this cutting-edge healing technology available to us...no matter where we live. - M.C.
7D Technology

I started feeling sharp pains in my right hip, which increased with every step I took. I thought “I know, I will try my 7D copper wands from Synchronicity". I started applying pressure to the painful points with the wands, automatically breathing in as I did this, holding my breath for a few seconds before breathing out as I released pressure (x5). After this one go, the pain completely disappeared. The other thing I noticed, is that I got some clarity of some changes I needed to make in my life that I had been putting off. Perfect. Of course this is just one experience, I have had so many. And although I did get clarity I still chose to re run the story I had about my job, hence my right knee injury received at work (my 7D pad is helping knee, as well as wands and glass ball lol) since the sore right hip lol. Although I am aware there are more layers to this I now have started to look at jobs in the paper again and am feeling to action some more steps towards a different job. I even know there is more to this whole story, but one step at a time. – C.M.
Get 7D Technology
The 7D discs from Synchronicity are absolutely the strongest and most effective devices for EMF clearing and transformation in my home I have ever used! Many devices make claims, but it can be hard to discern any difference. These 7D discs are really different. If you have any energetic sensitivity at all, try putting a disc on your home's circuit breaker, or on your television, or on your phone, and within seconds, you will notice a massive difference. The discs are not the cheapest products you can get, but you can start with a few, and see how you feel. Then add more over time. They are a life-long investment for you, your family, and your ability to handle the increased stress a modern high EMF environment creates. My wife and I put 1 of them on the metal panel that covers our home's circuit breaker, and couldn't believe the immediate positive difference! It felt immediately like our bodies could relax, and an invisible form of stress that had surrounded us was instantly cleared. We then got 2 more of them, to put above and below the first disc, so we could create an even larger protective field around the circuit breaker, and the 3 total discs worked even more strongly. We have them on our phones, our TV, our iPad, under power strips, and on our computers. Try them for yourself! Highly recommended! – M.G.
The following images were taken with a medical Thermography machine. These images allow us to clearly determine areas of increased heat caused by inflammation in the body.
The first images were taken as a baseline. The subject’s head was photographed with no Cell phone or 7D technology present to determine her initial levels of inflammation. The images indicate a fair amount of inflammation present.
The second images were taken after a 15-minute phone call with the phone against the subject's head. The result clearly indicates increased inflammation caused by the phone call.
The third images were taken after another 15-minute phone call, again with the phone against the subject's head. This time a small 7D disc was added to the phone. Not only does this image clearly show that the cell phone no longer caused inflammation, the 7D disc actually improved the levels present in the baseline.
Our Kuwait Boot Camp trainer, N.O. sent me these exciting photos of an aura before and after sitting on a 7D cushion during his training in Riyadh. I have shared and demonstrated the passive healing power of the 7D items that we are using during my trainings. This is a clear example of this. Both the size of the aura and the balance of the chakras increased significantly with only 5 minutes of sitting on the 7D cushion.
I also had a clear example of the passive healing power of these items in a recent Optimal Health training. As in TFT, healing and balance are actually normalizing, not just increasing. An example of this is what TFT has been shown to do with Cortisol measures.
I ran an HRV on a person over 70, and their SDNN was 234, which is said to be too high in the research literature. If the 7D is actually normalizing, it should bring this measure back down into the normal range, not raise it. That is precisely what happened; sitting on the 7D cushion brought the SDNN back down into the normal, ideal range at 172.
During one of our Well-Being retreats, a participant with chronically low HRV had a substantial, nearly five-fold (from 11 to 52) increase when she had her glasses and jewelry 7 D’d. To put this in perspective, the research by Bilchik, et.al, 2002, states that for every 10ms of increase in SDNN, this equates to a 20% decrease in mortality risk.
We have seen this healing effect on others, including myself with dental implants. In the past, my body has rejected dental implants – three times they were placed and then had to be removed. I finally resorted to a bridge. Then last year when I needed to have two teeth extracted I decided to try one more time. I had my dental implant posts 7D’d and then placed. I had no swelling or pain and they healed beautifully. This has given me a whole new, healthier option for my dental reconstruction.
This same thing happened to B. G. this year. We are both very grateful for the opportunity to have healthier teeth.
Get 7D Technology
In TFT, we are very aware of the importance of maintaining positive polarity and demonstrate this with a simple voltmeter during our trainings. We have seen the 7D items change negative polarity to positive polarity in these demonstrations.
Recently, during our Well-Being retreat, and then duplicated in the Riyadh training I previously mentioned, an attendee’s polarity was measured with a simple voltmeter and shown to be negative. When the individual applied the 7D healing pad to the area, we watched the polarity move into a positive range. We have demonstrated this numerous times in various trainings. The 7D seems to facilitate the maintenance of positive polarity.
In the TFT world, we are very excited to have these passive tools to support balance and positive polarity. - J.C.