The Holistic Model
The Holistic Model is an update of a model of reality derived from thousands of years of wisdom in Eastern spiritual traditions. It provides the foundation for the Holistic Lifestyle® and is why it’s so effective in delivering a fulfilling life. Gaining an understanding of it assists you in making sense of your life journey and awakens you to who you are.
We are mesmerized by lifelong noisy, habitually imbalanced, uncomfortable, and stressful experiences in our physical, emotional, and mental dimensions: so much so that we believe that this entanglement is who we are. These are the densest dimensions and hide the naturally pleasurable experience of wholeness, living in the Now with Aware Presence. When we start to interact with the subtle, or Being, by cultivating balance, delivering wholeness, we begin to experience what it means to be fully alive. Maintaining balance and the perceptible feeling of wholeness is the path to creating and building personal holistic power to sustain fulfillment, experienced as Aware Presence.
Knowledge (stimulating concepts and ideas) can only point at Being, not deliver it. As enlightening teachers have said, "experience first, understanding second."
Five Truths of the Holistic Model
One Source Consciousness is the substratum of reality.
- The ego is the instrument for the primary illusion that you are separate from consciousness.
- The heart-field is the gateway to experience the Now of consciousness as Aware Presence.
- The ego-driven mind-field is dominant and hides consciousness.
- Balance increases as the mind-field is balanced, allowing the heart-field to open the gateway to subtle, truthful dimensions of being.
As you establish a sustained experience of balance through regular meditation and holistic wellness lifestyle practices, you create all the benefits of wellbeing like calmness, relaxation, increased happiness, sharper focus, improved health, and on and on. These are easy benefits, and much more is available. You can, if you choose, relax into the inner-stillness of your subtle dimensions of consciousness. As a result, you become truthfully and experientially aware that your inner being is the source of fulfillment.
"The truth is absolutely silent."
Stillness is the gateway to authentic Being. -
What You Are Looking for Is What Is Looking
What is the point of life? What's its purpose? From our perspective, life's purpose is to experience and know your essential self as Being or Consciousness while living in the awareness of communion with Source Consciousness, the ultimate reality. We term this Modern Spirituality® or fulfillment or holistic awareness. Holistic Awareness of Consciousness is experienced as Aware Presence
here and now. This inner-fulfillment is the pleasurable enlightening experience of Being. Inner-fulfillment is transcendent and the heart of mysticism. It is beyond thought and is non-denominational and not dogma or a set of beliefs.Within the Synchronicity Transcendence Program® and Recognitions Program, we explore the experience of stillness and expanded states of Being, along with both the practical and philosophical aspects of profound universal truths about the essence of who you are. Holistic awareness is built into the programs and reinforced with every High-Tech Meditation® session. These are cutting-edge applications of technology for the evolution of human consciousness.
Start Meditating
The Transcendence Experience
Free 10-Day Trial, High-Tech Meditation®
A gentle hand on the path, the Synchronicity Transcendence Program® is a unique, incremental program of daily meditation. Designed for beginners and current meditators, it utilizes precision Synchronicity® Sonic Technology to create positive changes and well-being at the deepest levels of your personality. We recommend combining it with Holistic Lifestyle® practices for maximum benefits.
Let your experience speak.
Pure Drop 15-Minute Meditator
Free High-Tech Meditation® Soundtrack
A meditation experience in just 15 minutes!
A Pure Drop of calm for an easy meditation that leaves you feeling relaxed. Put on your headphones or earbuds, then push "Play" and listen. You'll also receive a series of informative emails on meditation.
Experience it for yourself!
Recognitions High-Tech Meditation
Our Most Advanced Program for Dedicated Meditators
Are you ready to join us at the leading edge of the High-Tech Meditation® experience?
Our flagship Recognitions Program combines science & the ancient art of meditation to deliver a profound and in-depth meditation experience.
If you are serious about meditation and ready to enjoy its benefits at the deepest levels, this program is for you.
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