Our Free Offerings

With your help, we can grow our many free services.
Education, Instruction and Support:
  • The Synchronicity Foundation website informs, educates, and instructs with tips on how to meditate and how to choose a meditator’s Holistic Lifestyle.
  • Our website includes a growing list of Blog posts that support a meditation practice and empower a holistic wellness lifestyle.
  • Personal support and guidance - We have gone through the challenges of developing and maintaining a fruitful and fulfilling practice for 40 years and have developed ways to guide people through the blocks and pitfalls. We provide participants support without charge by email, phone, and Zoom.
Meditation Courses:
  • Pure Drop – A concise meditation course with a free 15-minute High-Tech Meditation®.
  • Transcendence Program - This one-year High-Tech Meditation program is free for 10-days and continues for $14.95 per month.
Weekly Zoom Get-Togethers:

Serve-Study Program at the Sanctuary Retreat Center:
Serve-Study Program. Where people can immerse themselves in a meditative Holistic Lifestyle and assist us in stewarding the Sanctuary. This is a popular program that many have experienced.

Your giving helps us expand our powerful, paid services.

Meditation Course:
Recognitions Program - our flagship program offers a consistent deep meditation experience, education on how to live a Holistic Lifestyle, and facilitation to support participants stay consistent with their meditation practice.

Retreats at Synchronicity’s Sanctuary Retreat Center:
● Personal Retreats: for taking time out from activities and life’s demands to capture the essence of Sanctuary. Personal Retreats are offered on specific dates. Please check our calendar.
● Synchronicity Retreats: featuring the power of group interaction and experiences of meditation, holistic lifestyle, and wellbeing services.
Holistic Retreats: presented by teachers on a variety of topics of interest to our audience.

Our Store:
Our Peace of Mind Shop contains products to support a meditative, wellness lifestyle, including a full line of 7D (7th Dimensional) products.