NOW ... The Technology Soundtrack

NOW ... The Technology Soundtrack

Theta Meditation Soundtracks

NOW ... The Technology is the most popular soundtrack from M. C. Cannon and Synchronicity Foundation.

Historically, people have meditated in caves and sacred geometrical spaces to consistently enjoy the now experience. However, that option is not available to those of us living a contemporary lifestyle.

Fortunately, modern technology lets us enjoy the now experience consistently and effortlessly.

NOW...The Technology soundtrack uses sacred geometrical frequencies of vibration digitally encoded into audio format for amplification. So you can enjoy the now experience wherever you are.

Play it in the background while you work, when visiting with friends, or while you meditate. Or make the now experience available in public spaces like stores, yoga studios and meditation halls. 

The truth is:  we are here and it is now. Great masters have always taught that the Eternal Now is peaceful, blissful and full of love — the intoxicating high of life truthfully lived.

Get your Now...The Technology today!

Available as a download or a CD.



Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Dianna, Australia.
NOW The TECHNOLOGY sound track

Found this meditation CD very powerful. I was with Master Charles in the 90s doing the program over seven years and experiencing the very powerful delta level of empowering meditation. This was followed by many years of meditation without the technology. I found this new NOW sound track brought me right back to my inner being very quickly and would highly recommend this CD to anyone seeking to improve or start their meditation journey.