Group Meditation Support & The Inner Network Community

group of people holding hands in a circle

It’s easy to meditate on your own and without group meditation support. What’s harder is to commit to a practice and keep it going, especially if you are a brand new meditator or have questions for which you can’t find answers.

Fortunately, group meditation support is available and can be an invaluable resource for keeping you on track and in touch with resources you need.

Not only does it provide accountability, the group energy and sharing of experiences can encourage your regular practice and deepen your experience.

And if you don’t want to leave home, you will find a variety of different kinds of group meditation support groups online. 

Let’s take a look. 

The Many Benefits of Online Community Support

Many people struggle to make meditation a daily habit, even when they understand and enjoy its benefits.

Considering that meditation is, for the most part, a solo experience that is understandable. When you close your eyes you shut out the rest of the world. 

But that doesn’t mean you won’t have questions or need help with challenges related to your experience. 

For example, as you quiet your mind and release your stress some old limiting stories from your past may pop up. If so, your group can help you understand why this is happening, why it’s not unusual, and what you can do about it.

When you are able to relax and accept the totality of your meditation journey your experience will deepen.

And that’s just the start.

For example: 

  • Do you need a boost when you feel discouraged? Your group can help. 
  • Would you enjoy having a place where you share your progress? 

Meditation has increasingly broad acceptance today. However, you may still feel reluctant to talk about it with people who aren’t meditators. Your group will be there for you.

  • Would you like to enjoy deeper states of relaxation and awareness? Look to your group for guidance

Why Community Is Important

There is a special energy and synergy that happens in groups. And as a member you share in this collective consciousness and powerful energetic field.

In most communities you will also have access to experienced teachers and seasoned practitioners. 

And you may be exposed to diverse and alternative meditation techniques, practices and wisdom traditions as well. For example, maybe breathwork, yoga, or tai chi would enhance your daily practice. 

Group discussions reveal new perspectives and insights that can promote greater personal understanding and offer opportunities to participate in deeper philosophical or mystical exploration.

And these perspectives are enhanced by the accessibility of a global community that adds an international perspective not accessible before the internet. 

At another level, a meditation community can be a source of friendships based on deeper, more meaningful connections.

Would you like opportunities to give back? Your community members may introduce you to teaching, mentoring, or volunteering possibilities. Or you could help organize meditation events and retreats.

When you support others in their meditation journey you strengthen your own.

Types of Online Meditation Communities

Social media groups are one way to connect with like minded people.

You may also find helpful dedicated meditation apps that come with community features. 

And a Google search will turn up virtual meditation circles of all kinds, many of which are available on Zoom.

The Inner Network & The Holistic Lifestyle®

While all of the above are powerful ways to support your practice, another option is now available at Synchronicity. Called The Inner Network, it is an update on a popular program many of us enjoyed in the past. 

When you join the Inner Network you can look forward to the following:

  • A monthly email with a special focus designed to support your meditation practice and The Holistic Lifestyle®. 
  • Weekly followup emails that answer questions and share insights from fellow community members at all levels of experience.
  • Opportunities to share thoughts and breakthroughs via email with other Inner Network participants and co-moderators who will respond with feedback, clarity and assistance. 
  • A dynamic, loving community of like-minded meditators at all different levels of experience.

While our newly updated Inner Network brings accountability and assurance to your meditation practice, it doesn’t stop there. 

It also supports The Holistic Lifestyle®, a way of being that promotes balance in your three primary dimensions: physical, emotional and mental. 

When paired with a consistent meditation practice, The Holistic Lifestyle can help you achieve higher levels of wellness in all aspects of your life.

How to Make the Most of Your Online Meditation Community

Making the most of your online community depends in part on your personal needs. Here are just a few possibilities:

  • Use your group to help you set personal goals. Do you want to meditate daily? Or just a couple of times a week? What do you hope to get from your practice? 
  • Receive input on how to set up a meditation space that can help support your daily practice.
  • Receive dependable information about meditation. A reliable group can provide useful answers to challenges you face in your practice: Are you meditating too much? Not enough? Is morning the best time to meditate, or is the afternoon or evening better?
  • Participate in group meditation sessions.

How to Engage Effectively In an Online Meditation Community

Take the first step by joining a group like the Inner Network.


  • Set clear goals for your meditation practice.
  • Actively participate in discussions by asking questions and sharing your experiences. 
  • Seek guidance and share your wisdom.
  • Offer encouragement and contribute positively.

You will see your practice grow and thrive in direct proportion to your participation along with your personal balance and fulfillment.