Self Discovery & The Holistic Lifestyle: Be the Quantum Change!

Self Discovery & The Holistic Lifestyle: Be the Quantum Change!
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it
will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
~ Carl Jung

Are you ready to pursue Self Discovery, the key to living The Holistic Lifestyle®?

What if that process helped you let go of old familiar beliefs and stories, ones you may have clung to for years? And what if you could then live a life you love?

Of course, to understand something, you must first master it. And that doesn’t mean just understanding it intellectually.

Rather, the mastery of self discovery is multidimensional. It is experiential and encompasses all of your dimensions, physical, emotional, mental and subtle. 

As they say in the east, “Experience First, Understanding Second.”

Let’s explore what this could mean for you.

Your Multidimensional Experience

Life is a multidimensional construct, which means it is much more than the three dimensions you can see or feel.

Just ask your mind if it is all-powerful and can do whatever it wants. Then ask your heart to be open and loving, without getting “hurt.” Then ask your gut if it is really in control of anything (and if you can throw out your antacids!).

When you consider situations in which you have invested a lot of thoughts and beliefs throughout your life, it is easy to feel like a victim since there is so much experience that is out of your control. 

After all, for most of us, much of what we think is real in life comes from our five senses. And if we can’t validate something that way, we tend to discount it. 

Yet beyond your personal control is a hidden force. One that is outside of your awareness. Sometimes, it may bring situations and people into your life you absolutely do not want. You may wonder where they came from and why they are here.

Other times you become aware of this seemingly hidden force through a premonition, gut feeling, deja vu, or even ESP (extra-sensory perception).

What if this hidden force is real? 

Remember that time you ignored an inner knowing and paid a price? Maybe you had a feeling it was time to buy something, but didn’t quite get around to purchasing it. When you finally did, the price had doubled. 

Or perhaps you thought you might need an umbrella, but left it at home. Then later in the day it was pouring rain (in spite of the weather report).

Perhaps “real” is the most relative word we have.

Bring Awareness & Power Into Your Life

Our new Discover your Play in Consciousness theater, role playing cards and companion eBook present you with an opportunity to learn what’s “real” and introduce you to the forces that can bring awareness and power into your life. 

For there’s one thing we truly do know: What we really want is to survive, thrive and flourish in whatever we decide to do. 

Unfortunately, we mostly rely on just our five senses for the information that we then turn into the beliefs on which we choose to act.

However, to tap into the hidden force, we must evolve beyond the five senses in order to access our subtle dimensions. 

And it is through this evolution that we can begin to have access to the unseen hidden force or Unified Field of all existence. 

By accessing that Field, we can perceive and choose new realities of wholeness, power and fulfillment. 

Self Discovery Is the Key

Evolving our awareness begins with self discovery. This in turn helps us clear out embedded beliefs that block our current experience of wholeness.

Self Discovery helps us process old beliefs and integrate greater awareness into our daily lives via the 5-Fold Process of evolutionary human development. 

It is Step 4 (called Processing or Catharsis) of the 5-Fold Process, which is the path to living a holistic lifestyle:

“As you become more aligned with the greater wholeness brought on by stages one and two of the 5-Fold Process you may experience…’aha moments’ more frequently.

“New thoughts, ideas and ways of being flood your mind and you start to see things differently. 

“But unless you have fully integrated your new experiences, your former self, which is the product of previous habits, thoughts and emotions, can pull you back into old ways of being. 

“...Be kind to yourself and recognize it may take some time to fully integrate these new concepts and make them part of you as they must work their way through all the levels of your multi-dimensional experience: physical, emotional, mental and subtle.

”Through the process of self discovery, your psyche responds by bringing up beliefs that may have prevented you from having the awareness you need to evolve your consciousness.

Fortunately, our new Discover Your Play in Consciousness card deck and companion eBook can help by using role-play, a game we all like (whether on stage or off).

With them you can gain insight into how and why you sometimes block your path to greater awareness, so that you can begin to see the way forward.

Powerful Tools for Self Discovery

The cards and ebook are sold separately. The card deck is complete in itself while the ebook adds additional insight and more depth of understanding.

Discover your Play in Consciousness Card Deck

The cards are structured like a theater play, and tell a story we create and act out. Every play, whether a drama or comedy, has 3 components: 

  1. Actors playing roles
  2. Stage settings for the action
  3. Scripts for the storyline.

The roles are depicted as archetypes and their shadows. The actors have identities and keep the storyline going with their interactions.

The stages are the settings for the play’s action. In the cards they appear as steps in an evolutionary process.

Scripts are the “acting out” of beliefs and stories which appear as our karma (which could be compared to “quantum entanglement”).

E-book: Unveil your Play in Consciousness eBook

The companion eBook (sold separately) gives more detail about the cards and their philosophical and cosmic background. 

Sources for the content include quantum science, scientific research of Ilya Prigogine, astrology, chakras and Kundalini yoga, Hermetic laws, and research from 40+ years of holistic lifestyle and retreats at Sanctuary, Synchronicity Foundation’s retreat center.

The role play and companion eBook are available now at our Peace of Mind store. You’ll want to order several of each as they make great gifts..

Know thyself.
You shall know the truth and it shall make you free.
John 8:32, all English translations of The Bible of Christianity