What is a remote energetic transmission and how does it work?
We may feel separated from each other and other "things' in our world. But in truth, everyone and everything on this planet is made of the same vibrating energy. In this way there is no real separation despite what we may perceive.
A remote energetic transmission is a method of connecting a person's unique vibrational field to a powerful energy source from a distance. This is accomplished by using a photograph as a focus point.
A photograph is a great way to connect to a person's energetic field because it is a unique representation of that person, much like a finger print. When a person's photograph is used as a focal point it can be used to connect and convey an energetic experience from a distance to that person precisely.
Since nothing is really separate at a vibrational level, connecting a photograph to a powerful energy source can convey an experience nearly identical to that of being in the same room as that energy source, even from a great distance.
What does the Lighthouse protocol do?
During a lighthouse session your photograph will be connected to a myriad of technologies and powerful energy sources originating here at the Synchronicity Sanctuary in Virginia. This protocol is designed to have a wide range of effects on the participant:
• Clears negative, stuck, or blocked energy
• Increases balance through every dimension from physical to subtle leaving your entire being feeling more relaxed, expanded, and integrated
• Delivers divine energetic empowerment, raising your vibration, expanding your consciousness, and amplifying your energy field
• Deepens your meditation experience through increased brain synchrony and coherence
• Creates the space for a breakthrough to a new level in the evolution of your consciousness
• Creates the space for a profound spiritual awakening experience
What Should I expect from a Lighthouse protocol Session?
Participants in the Lighthouse protocol often express the experience of significantly expanded awareness, due to greater brain synchrony, which leads to a deep meditative experience and a greater experience of unified reality. Often this can lead to awakening, or a ha moments of breakthrough or greater clarity regarding deep issues in the physical, mental, emotional, or subtle dimensional level of experience.
Why would I be interested in a Lighthouse protocol?
Do you long for a deeper connection to your divine nature?
Are you searching for a breakthrough in the evolution of your consciousness?
Do you wish there was a way to give your spiritual practice a significant boost?
No matter where you are located in the world, The Lighthouse is a beacon of light ready to guide you home, delivering a profound spiritual awakening experience.
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